Rayman - Watching co-op play of this game is alot of fun, partly because the people are playing and they are doing so realistically. No cheesy acting or anything. Plus it's only in these moments that we see how outrageous the rayman universe truly is. The use of tetris pieces and music is really sweet and tongue-in-cheek.
Mr. Caffiene took the stage to unveil Driver San Francisco, and proved his reputation as being hyperactive and somewhat silly. Driver of course, looks like it's going back to what I loved about the original series with the pure driving rather than stupid on-foot sequences that just killed the gameplay for me. The trailer they showed of the sunny traffic report was really charming as well.
Farcry 3 looks out of the rageous zone in so many ways, it really feels like a totally awesome installment that could really redeem the series which has been under so much shit lately. The mohawked character you see was a humongous badass in my opinion, his monologue at the beginning was amazing, the animation and the voice acting was superb and the gameplay really looked intuitive without writing checks it's base gameplay couldn't cash, along with the seamless gameplay transitions to scripted events was positively glorious.
Brothers in Arms: Furious 4 is totally over the top and is very reminsicient of Inglorious Basterds, though as a Montanan Indian, to have a character who is a Mohican and a character named Montana, I'm not gonna hear the end of it from certain people. *sigh* The things I deal with..
TinTin GAME! Oh MAN, I can't believe that, the TinTin series is such a legendary series and yet nobody ever thought to make a game out of it. I really love how this is happening with the team of Spielberg and Peter Jackson?? I'm really quite excited for it.
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is a terribly advanced looking shooter that uses incredible technology that hopes to really set this game apart from the slew of modern combat shooters. Plus the ability to actively coordinate strikes and give orders really sets this game with the feel of Rainbow Six and other tactical squad based shooters really is something that's gonna be key for this new age of multiplayer and making gamers really want to work together. Not to mention the use of technology that is rooted in real military R&D (look up Active Camo tech and see what I mean)
Ghost Recon Online - The Ubisoft entry into the new market of free to play, hi-quality browser games looks to be one of the most innovative and interesting, offering comparative gameplay as well as connecting to the console versions of Future Soldier.
Maniaplanet -
Trackmania 2: Canyon - The new entry of the Trackmania franchise which really looks great graphically but also promises some awesome gameplay mechanics taht promise to satisfy racing nerds and arcade lovers.
Also Shootmania and Questmania were announced to a subsequent pique of interest as we wonder what the two games could do to match the awesome customization of Trackmania.
Rayman: Raving Rabbids Alive and Kicking - A new entry in the Rabbids series that promises to use the Kinect technology to make some really awesome party gaming experience, I look forward to pantomiming ufos and shapes with my pals after a few shots of the creature.
Just Dance 3 - Another installation in the Just Dance series, nothing terribly new, riding on the success of the previous games but that doesn't stop me from lusting for the dancing I could be doing in this game.
Rocksmith - Wow, I'm really impressed with this innovation, to allow for gamers and guitarists alike to further their guitar ambitions without having a whimsical controller but any guitar you can pick up, from a BC Rich Warlock to a tight old Washburn blues machine, I'm really interested to see if this game works out well and could revolutionize the utility of gaming as a whole.
YourShape - Another fitness game..whatever.
Assassin's Creed Revelations - A new cel-shaded Assassin's Creed video opened the announcement of the next installation of the game that introduced us to and closes story arc of Ezio, hero of the last two releases. The graphics looked amazing, movie-quality but also headed into a gameplay demo that didn't show a whole lot new to the gameplay besides some really nice sequences and hopefully a really great entry in the story.
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