A Miyamoto introduction. Fuck yeah, great start, Miyamoto is the child-like spirit and imagination of Nintendo.
I love the integration of the Pikmin in the audience members, so fun, so playful. :)
So even though we've known about the WiiU for quite a while, I suppose this is the year of the physical appearance. Much like the Wii, we had a year of hardware announcement, and a subsequent year of a reveal of the physical product and the software for launch.
Pikmin 3...good to see the return of the game after a long time. It feels like another more of the same game, but yet again, still good.
Reggie Fils-Amie...again. I don't know why, but I just can't ever feel comfortable with Reggie, he makes me want to take a bathroom break every time he talks. All he ever does, like he does here, is just simply drones on and on about the philosophy of the system he's talking about. It's like he's trying to be a Steve Jobs of gaming, but he just achieves monotony. I don't know him besides this constant appearance, but I just can't help but feel like he's just a suit that doesn't care about the gaming industry, which I really don't like saying, but he just feels like someone you should see at a business meeting among board members, not a gaming convention populated with members clad in t-shirts and informal dress.
/end rant
...two separate gamepads is an improvment for sure. I respect the use of just one gamepad in the sense of a gamemaster role but I think this two gamepad decision greatly pleases any amount of the gaming populace.
Having volume control on your controller, that's fantastic! I know it sounds weird, but that's a great new feature that has never been done with gaming devices and something that just is incredible for gaming in a populated house or densely spaced apartments. Your neighbor or your girlfriend is becoming annoyed by the noise of the tv, you just adjust the sound, which, is the sound settings of the game itself, of course, and reduce the volume, without having to interrupt gameplay.
This social nonsense, I couldn't care less about this whole thing of having crowds of little Miis I don't care about standing around on my screen. I think this is a mistake. Social stuff is best kept in it's own section, not where your first interaction is with the system.
New Super Mario Brothers...U. Okay, it looks fun, despite I really REALLY hope this idea of putting U at the end of every title isn't going to be the norm with the Wii U.
Active transfer from the television to the gamepad, I like that. That's a great great use of the gamepad technology and I truly hope this isn't the only great innovation Nintendo makes with their tech.
Batman Arkham City: Armored Edition? Harley Quinn intro...UGHH, I love Harley Quinn, but why WHY is it a still of her from the Harley's Revenge promo art? You could get a custom track from her VA but you couldn't get Warner's team to do a custom cg sequence? And in the words of Jake from hit TV show, Adventure Time, YEAHH, FORCE THAT ENTHUSIASM! Please...you suits aren't fooling anyone.
Reid Schneider, I don't know him, but at least he looks like more of a gamer than this square before him.
New boost mode...yep.
Basically, use bat-gadgets with the gamepad, good use of the technology, but nothing mind-blowing.
The problem with this is that when this Arkham City U comes out, Arkham City is going to be over a year old. Why does that game deserve a feature? There has to be much better candidates for this privelage than a YEAR OLD GAME!
Scribblenauts Unlimited, that's cool. It's a great use of the built in stylus, and maybe, we'll see a bigger version of the flipnote ds app, which maybe can be transferred to and fro from the wii u to the 3ds?
A montage of coming titles for the wii u... I love Darksiders 2 and Mass Effect 3, it'll be much like the inclusion of Resident Evil 4 on the Wii, and the best part is that they're not getting a 7-minute feature! Tank! Tank! Tank! looks like a fun little game for players to enjoy together with simple little graphic and arcade-style gameplay. Tekken Tag Tournament 2, another high-ticket item that can only help to increase the Wii U's appeal to hardcore gamers, Trine 2 a great inclusion for RPG and adventure fans and something to support a lower tier developer!
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge, I'm proud to see such emphasis in getting more adult titles into the hands of Wii U players, this is a trend that has been sorely missing in the Nintendo's marketing strategy. Aliens: Colonial Marines. Yep, keep this up and keep a nice selection of casual games, but not too much. Achieve balance to really push Nintendo somewhere even better than before!
Wii Fit talk, and what appears to be a new Wii U Wii Fit game, great use of the gamepad. Though noone grunts like that during WiiFit gameplay. And what a bitch, she just has to emasculate her bf at every turn. That's an abusive relationship, ladies and gentlemen, wtf is wrong with you, Nintendo?!(joking) Seems like there is a pedometer involved, cool, but how much do you want to bet people are going to lose theirs? Or just not wear them?
SiNG...ehh, not something I'd be really interested in, though it'll add to the party usage of wiiU though I like the lyrical display with the gamepad, again, any creative use of the gamepad is fantastic.
Where's the love? ....maybe you should intonate better if you want to find out. XD
3DS News
New Super Mario Bros. 2...I don't like the idea of coin generation, except for the power-up that allows you to affect the scenery. And August 19th, good release schedule to sate gamers' Mario lust.
Paper Mario: Sticker Star...Paper Mario has always been a great evolution to the Mario franchise and I'm always happy to see it represented. The use of stickers as battle commands, I like that, except I worry that they're only single-use commands, which could cripple gameplay where having MP consuming abilities did not.
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon...AWWW YEAH, they make Luigi seem like such a coward but uhhh, Luigi's kindof a badass to be fighting friggin GHOSTS! I'm so excited for another installment of the Luigi's Mansion series, way overdue after what was a fun as heck game.
Castlevania Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate, looks like a return to the classic Castlevania style, wow, I know quite a few lovers of the series that will appreciate that, and it looks like the combat will be diverse with boss battles involving QTEs and various sub-weapons. Great to see the classic style represented once-again.
Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion reminds me of the old Sega Genesis Mickey games, with healthy platforming and such, which could mean that this will be a solid title just like those platformers of old were. Let's hope so.
Scribblenauts Unlimited, a concurrent release with the WiiU title...next...
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, a healthy real-time RPG, good to see.
Only 4 titles in the montage...well, hopefully they'll show a ton more at the 3DS conference...but srsly, WHY SPLIT THE TWO? Again, it's showing a fundamental misunderstanding of the enormity E3 releases can be, in my opinion, dividing your showcases up like this isn't a recipe for success!
Lego City... an open-world Lego experience, this could be sweet, just as long as the clunky movement is made smoother. I always found that the game's movement style always felt sticky.
Imagine if with the Lego support, if Lego made a construction game that used a special buildmat that fit over the touchpad, allowing, somehow, the touchpad to register what pieces you put on it, which would then translate into the game in a 3D sense. Tall order I know, but perhaps there's a way!
A 3DS Lego City, welp, that's a given..
Ubisoft setpiece...yeep, I'm sure this man is of average height, but in front of Reggie's behemoth status, he's downright tiny XD
This whole thing is just a puff-piece, please, hush up.
Just Dance 4....puppetmaster..ohhh wow, a real game master experience, allowing the gamepad user to directly control the moves given to the players. I could see some really fun parties, and it basically reestablishes the gamepad as a game master device.
ZombiU...again, bad name, but here we see the features you can use with the gamepad, inventory control, keypad control(NOT Door Hacking), and the idea of one-bite and you're dead is awesome, a new thing that hasn't been done in zombie games, though I can see it being a really tough game that might enrage players at first.
Great montage with Assassin's Creed 3, Rabbits Land, Yourshape, Rayman Legends, Sports Connection, Avengers Battle for Earth, good to see such support, though I hope Ubisoft doesn't just relegate themselves to lame party game nonsense like they did with the Wii.
NintendoLand...basically WiiSports for the WiiU, though I really like the integration of the different franchises rather than just general sports. Could be a really fun experience but I hope players can play gamepad or wiimote by themselves for the single player experience. A virtual tour of the theme park in Nintendo land makes me interested to go through and see what all little knick-knacks are featured in the game. ....Aaand...that's it? A fireworks display? Oh, well, far it be it for me to criticize but ..what the hell?
Geomagnetic sensor? Wow, I've never heard of that being used, but surely, it would make motion tracking alot more accurate I'd assume.
These prerecorded videos are painful..
Animal Crossing: Sweet Day, basically that hide and seek game we saw last year.
Donkey Kong: Crash Course, looks fun, like a interesting puzzle experience.
Iwata...staring at bananas...because why not?
WiiFit U...Core Luge, I could see that being fun, something a gamer would push themselves to become better at. Trampoline Jump or whatever seems like a game really for the casual gamers. Dessert Course, looks like it's really a test of balance. Something intermediate I think.
I love love love, the idea of making this CONSOLE able to work independent of the tv screen.
Pedometer, again, something easily lost I fear.
A replay of...the ZombiU trailer. Dick move, Iwata.
Arkham City: Armored Edition...he wears a tablet computer on his arm...called the Bat-Computer...YOU DON'T SAY?
Yeeahh, in summation....uhh wtf. NintendoLand could be fun, ZombiU as well, but really, I am not impressed. I think they really could have done so much better putting forth a great selection of games to build hype for the gamers, but they didn't, they bored viewers with their prattle of asymmetric gameplay, and very VERY awkward talk between presenters, we needed more live demos, more substantial gameplay trailers, LESS talk talk talk. I love Nintendo, I'm a Nintendo fanboy, but this is one of the first times I've ever felt like I'm disappointed in them.
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