

James Dean Hickman
Gamer Tag: lalilulelulz PSN ID: lalilulelulz Steam ID: lalilulelulz

Major: Business Administration
Quote: "...would you kindly?"
Favorite Genre(s): Open World, Action RPG, Stealth
Favorite Game(s) Ever: (every) Metal Gear, Super Metroid, Mario 64, Bioshock, Far Cry 2, GTA: San Andreas
Bio: Been gaming since the NES days, not going to stop anytime soon. i write for the lcoal weekly paper and the school paper.

Jacob Harris
Gamer Tag: Zombifiedskitz Steam ID: Zombifiedmarine

Major: Music
Quote: "sigga wiffa jerkin"
Favorite Genre(s): Fighting, RPG, Action-RPG, MMO, Stealth-Action, Open-World, Retro
Favorite Game(s) Ever: Street Fighter (Series), Metal Gear (Series), Fallout (Series), Final Fantasy (Series), DC Universe Online (Series), GTA: Vice City, Galaga
Bio: For as long as I can remember, I've been playing games, I've ignored kitten birth to play games, I've experienced symptoms of dementia from long sessions of playing games, I even first experienced the touch of a woman while playing games.
I'm the loose cannon of the show. My friends call me Hawkeye.

Brandon Wooten
Gamer Tag: Woot Boy 4201

Major: Sustainable Energy Technician
Quote: "Tunnel Snakes Rule"
Favorite Genre(s): RPG, FPS, Open-World
Favorite Game(s) Ever: Mass Effect (series), Fallout (series), The Elder Scrolls (series), Halo (series), Gears of War (series), Assassin's Creed (series), Red Dead Redemtion, Fable (series), Guitar Hero (series), Organ Trail
Bio: I love video games and consider them to be a large part of my life. I'm mainly an Xbox player. I like to play the latest video games that come out which is part of the reason why I have gamer ADD. I like long walks in the park and cuddling. My friends call me Gator.

Special guests:

George Burns 

Major: General Education
Quote: "I'm a pretty girl."
Favorite Genre(s): Old school FPS, Platformer, Retro, Sandbox 
Favorite Game(s) Ever: Doom Wolfinstien 3d, Zelda: Link to the Past, Counterstrike, Saints Row (series), Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest, Duke Nukem, Mortal Kombat
Bio: I am an occasional vidya game player, I am mainly a musician and movie nerd. I have been playing vidya games for quite a while (since I was a wee young lad) and still continue.